Members can now renew / join for 2024/25. Please enable “pop ups” on this site to make sure the registration process is completed.
** Please note that whenever you join, members will still be required to re-join on the 1st April (both club and EA membership)**
Membership fees outlined below for adults, juniors and other categories do not include England Athletics affiliation fees. You must tick the box on the registration page for EA membership.
EA affiliation is now mandatory to compete in inter-club competitions such as cross country leagues (and potentially the summer relays in the future). This is due to their new rules. We would strongly advise all club members to take the EA affiliation for these reasons and to make sure your results get picked up in club championship races.
EA affiliation is an additional £19 to your TRAC membership.
Any member experiencing financial hardship should contact our welfare representatives.
Members are kindly asked to volunteer to assist in marshaling or helping out at our races during the year to enable us to keep putting events on.