25 July 2023
Deal “Dinosaur” 10k race report
After a wet and windy Saturday the Weather Gods were on our side on Sunday providing fairly good running conditions for the Deal Dinosaur 10 km.
There was a kids 1k race at 9.30 a.m., with many enthusiastic children and some parents taking part. The first runner finishing in 5.03
The 10k started at 10 a.m. The first mile or so was flat but with a fairly strong headwind. This was followed by a series of inclines and flat sections which took the runners inland and along country lanes. At around 5.5k there was a decline which took the runners back to the coastline and back to flat ground.
There was a fairly good turnout from TRACies with 8 runners taking part.
Congratulations to Lee Hardie who took second place in the event with a time of 36.36

TRAC Finishers:
2nd – Lee Hardie 36.36
7th – Matt McCarthy 39.58
21st – Chris Pascoe 44.14
23rd – Mark Croucher 44.27
29th – Stephen Suttle 45.16
60th – Ryan Holah 50.01
77th – Spencer Hoult 52.50
138th – Lainey Carter 58.30
140th – Tim Kerr 58.24
The next club champs race (not Kent Grand Prix) is the Mount Ephraim 10k on Sunday 13th August. Next Kent Grand Prix event (and club champs event) is the Larkfield 10k on 17th September.
Next Social BBQ is Friday 28th July – please book through the app if you would like to attend.