TWO runners have been chosen by our leaders for Runner of The Month. Our run leaders strongly supported both of them and did not want to choose one over the other.

DAN GRECH has come on leaps and bounds on his running journey. He is one of the most dedicated runners we know. It was great seeing his recent triathlon results as he tackled a new challenge.
Dan is generous with his words of advice and can often be heard giving words of encouragement to fellow runners. He is a great asset to the club and with his work ethic, will keep getting quicker and quicker.
We asked Dan…
Q. What attracted you to join TRAC?
A. I first joined TRAC as a way to keep running in the cold winter months. Having just done my first marathon, running solo became less appealing and less fun. The camaraderie and enjoyment of running in a group attracted me to Roadrunners.
Q. Whats your best moment?
A. Coastal Striders Coastbuster 10k 2023. It was one of the first races that I felt fast and it was reflected in my finish position of 4th. I was injured earlier that season so spent the summer rehabbing and then trying to build some running speed. I ran a 5k and then a 10k PB in the same race. I crossed the line and screamed of pure elation and joy at what I achieved as I didn’t think it was possible before the run. I even shed a tear of joy; as I was so proud of myself.
Q. What would you say to a new person who is considering joining?
A. You’ll only regret the runs you never do. There is such variety in the sessions that roadrunners offer that there is something for everyone. You’ll meet amazing people that will not only support and encourage you in all your endeavours but motivate and teach you from their experiences.
Q. What does the club mean to you?
A. The club is a great source of motivation for me alongside my family. Being able to make other runners proud and attempt goals that seemed too hard to achieve; through hard word and dedication in all my runs and strength training. I don’t think I’d be half the runner I am without Thanet Roadrunners. However more importantly it’s for the post race photos and strava kudos.
#aclubforall #runnerofthemonth #thanet